Wasim’s Pizza and Donair

Calgary, Alberta

Wasim's Donair Pizza presents an intriguing blend of flavors and textures that may initially challenge traditional pizza expectations. At first glance, its appearance might raise eyebrows, with some noting a peculiar sheen that gives the pizza a somewhat "plasticky" look under certain lighting conditions. This effect is possibly due to the unique combination of cheese and sauce used on the pizza.

The texture of the pizza also contributes to its distinct character. Some may find the crust to be on the softer, "spongier" side, which, coupled with a sauce that can feel a bit unusual in its consistency, might not align with conventional pizza experiences. Despite these initial impressions, the pizza holds its own with a robust meaty flavor that stands out pleasantly upon tasting.

As one continues to indulge, the initial skepticism might wane. The creamy aspect of the pizza, which could be a point of contention for some, eventually reveals itself as a potentially appealing feature. This creaminess, alongside the hearty meat toppings, offers a satisfying eating experience that contrasts with the pizza's initial visual and textural impressions.

Notably, Wasim's Donair Pizza lacks traditional vegetable toppings such as onions and tomatoes, which might come as a surprise to some but doesn't detract from the overall flavor profile. This absence echoes a pattern of challenging conventional pizza toppings and contributes to the pizza's uniqueness.

In summary, Wasim's Donair Pizza is a complex offering that may not immediately win over all palates with its unconventional appearance and texture. However, for those willing to look beyond first impressions, the pizza provides a surprisingly enjoyable taste experience that marries creamy, meaty flavors with a distinctive character. It's a testament to the idea that sometimes, the most rewarding flavors come from the least expected places.

Score Breakdown


1) Appearance - 2

2) Ingredients - 2

3) Mouthfeel - 2

4) Structure - 4

5) Taste - 3



1) Appearance - 1

2) Ingredients - 2

3) Mouthfeel - 3

4) Structure - 3

5) Taste - 4


Total: 26/50
