Mama’s Restaurant

Okotoks, Alberta

Mama's Restaurant's donair pizza offers a creamy initial taste with a hint of earthiness, possibly from the crust or a unique spice, sparking curiosity and mixed reactions from reviewers. The pizza's appearance earned it commendable scores for its strong, uniform look and nice coloring, despite lacking any extraordinary features.

The taste, however, brought the scores down due to an aftertaste that left reviewers puzzled over its source, speculated to be from the dough. This unexpected sourness didn't entirely detract from the pizza's overall flavor but introduced an element of surprise not entirely welcomed.

Ingredients faced criticism for their lack of distinction, with onions barely noticeable and tomatoes described as undistinguished and similar to those found at other pizza places. The meat, described as a "big slab," lacked personality, and the combination of cheese and sauce felt too dense, leading to a congealed texture rather than a distinct layering of flavors.

The structure of the pizza, while solid and sturdy, contributed to its perception as a "big congealed mess," albeit one that held together well, earning it higher marks in this category.

In conclusion, Mama's Restaurant's donair pizza presents a mixed bag of qualities, with its appearance and structure standing out more positively than its taste and ingredient execution. The unusual sourness and dense texture marred what could have been a more enjoyable eating experience, leaving the pizza as a somewhat average offering in the grand scheme of donair pizzas.

*fun fact* we forgot to mention our mouthfeel scores in the podcast episode

Score Breakdown


1) Appearance - 4

2) Taste - 3

3) Ingredients - 2

4) Mouthfeel - 2

5) Structure - 4



1) Appearance - 4

2) Taste - 3

3) Ingredients - 3

4) Mouthfeel - 4

5) Structure - 4


Total - 33/50
