Bow Tie Pizza

Calgary, Alberta

Bow Tie Pizza's Donair pizza garners attention with its visually appealing presentation, starting from the branded box to the pizza itself, which sports a brick oven, slightly charred look that promises a hearty meal. The aesthetic appeal of the pizza, with its well-browned toppings and inviting appearance, sets a positive tone.

However, the pizza's taste and overall experience reveal some inconsistencies. A notable issue is the insufficient amount of sauce, which impacts the flavour balance, leaving the pizza tasting somewhat lacking. This shortfall in sauce also contributes to the texture, with the pizza described as being on the doughy side and lacking a distinct, crispy crust.

The ingredients, while fulfilling the expectations for a Donair pizza, have their own set of challenges. Some components, like the onions, seemed to blend into the background, failing to make a significant impact on the flavor profile. Additionally, the structural integrity of the pizza faced criticism, with toppings tending to fall off, hinting at a potential imbalance in the pizza's composition.

In essence, while Bow Tie Pizza's Donair pizza impresses with its initial appearance, the eating experience suggests areas for improvement, particularly in sauce quantity and distribution, texture, and ingredient balance.

Score Breakdown


1) Appearance: 4

2) Taste: 3

3) Ingredients: 3

4) Mouthfeel: 3

5) Structure: 4



1) Appearance: 4

2) Taste: 4

3) Ingredients: 4

4) Mouthfeel: 3

5) Structure: 3



1) Appearance: 4

2) Taste: 3

3) Ingredients: 4

4) Mouthfeel: 3

5) Structure: 3


Total: 52/75
